Perfect your pitch and business presentations

Business ownership often involves developing a wide variety of skillsets. Of those, one of the most essential skills for any entrepreneur is that of networking. Just the very thought can have many entrepreneurs on edge – What to say? What not to say? How to pitch products and services without coming across as “salesy”? How to impress potential investors or business partners?

Business networking is extremely important for entrepreneurs. Networking allows professionals to share knowledge, learn about opportunities, make important connections, and leads to increased confidence. After all, the only way to improve a skill is to practice it!  Not to mention the increased level of connectedness, inspiration, and motivation that happens after quality interactions and networking events.

If you have ever wondered if you could be introducing yourself and your business, product, or service a bit better or more clearly, or if you’ve listened to others talk about their services and products and thought, “How do they do that so well?” Now is your chance to come and find out!

Perfecting Your Presentation | Thursday, August 16 | 8:30am-9:30am | $15

On Thursday, August 16th, Mel McMahon Stone will be leading the workshop, “Perfecting Your Presentation” from 8:30am-9:30am at SOURCE RW.

"Perfecting Your Presentation” will dive into the elements of an “elevator” speech, dissect the elevator speech you are using now, and perfect a pitch you can start using immediately to up your networking game. Participants will walk away with the ability to more clearly articulate what they, and their businesses, are all about!

Mel is known for her ability to articulate ideas and speak clearly and professionally about, well, almost anything! From radio and TV host, to business and nonprofit consultant, to co-founder of Indiana Originals, Mel is no stranger to the nuances of networking.

Mel McMahon Stone Headshot.jpg

Register now to learn how to perfect YOUR presentation and up your networking skills! To register, click here.

"Perfect Your Presentation is the third session in the 3-Part SOURCE RW scale-up entrepreneurship Summer Business Series in partnership with Indiana Originals.