Teresa E. Tate-Lewis, CEO

Regularly, we interview a successful SOURCE RW client to ask how SOURCE RW has impacted their business. This month, we feature Teresa E. Tate-Lewis, CEO of West of the River Diversified, LLC.

          Teresa E. Tate-Lewis

          Teresa E. Tate-Lewis

"Plan in pencil but dream in Ink!!! My return to Indianapolis’ Near West side where I grew up came from a desire to revitalize my family business and create business opportunities for family and friends while making a positive impact in the Haughville Community," says Teresa.

What services have you utilized at SOURCE RW and how have you benefitted?

Source RW is helping me to breathe life back into our family business. Their educational services and coaching have all pointed me in the right direction by empowering me with tools and information that will sustain our business for many years to come.

What made you interested in business ownership?

My interest in becoming a community entrepreneur originally came from my father, Douglas D. Tate, Sr. He has always been active in the Haughville community and Tate's Barbershop has been somewhat of an icon in this community for over 50 years. My dad's passion to serve God's people essentially rubbed off on all of his 4 children in some capacity.

What have you enjoyed most about business ownership?

Business ownership is very challenging, often times scary, but I think just knowing that you are charting your own life's course, while giving others the opportunity to chart theirs as well, makes the journey worthwhile.

What have you enjoyed least about business ownership?

Getting others to see, invest and share in your vision has been the most daunting for me.

Was there ever a point when you wanted to quit?

Many times I've wanted to 'take my ball and go home,' so to speak, but entrepreneurship and making a positive impact on the community has been the life's work of my father, that I too feel compelled to continue. As a retired firefighter and now a VA nurse, I am aware of community need and I want my encore career to be one of service, but with me at the helm.

If you could tell aspiring business just one thing before their journey – that you had wished you had known prior to starting your journey – what would that be?

Plan in pencil but dream in Ink!!!