Entrepreneur Spotlight — SOURCE

Beverle Kane, founder of Finesse Inherited Photos

With Covid-19 affecting thousands of small businesses nationwide, we decided to check up on entrepreneurs to see how they are adapting to these sudden changes. We interviewed Beverle Cane, founder of Finesse Inherited Photos, to hear her story and get some advice/inspiration during these challenging times.


What is the story behind Finesse Inherited Photos?

“It’s a photo business I launched on March 27, 2020. A lot of my passion behind it is that I’m from a large family, I’m a boomer, so when I look around we have a lot of print photos everywhere. So I really started off with the idea of organizing all these photos into one place so we can go ahead and tell our story. I was sticking with the idea of my passion; which was to help the boomers get their photos organized.”

How has the coronavirus impacted your business?

“For me it is developing as we go.”

Beverle started her original business Pomp-to-Party before the pandemic. The idea was to prepare a graduation party on a short notice instead of having to rush to the party after the graduation ceremony finished. This allowed clients to not worry about food getting cold or the pressure of rushing back to the celebration. Since Covid-19, various graduation ceremonies have been cancelled therefore decreasing the market for possible clients for this service.

How has SOURCE helped your business?

Beverle attended various workshops and programs at SOURCE River West. From SBA Live workshops to the Pop-Up Business School, Beverle gained valuable knowledge that has helped her throughout her business venture. Currently Beverle is taking part of the SOURCEstarts program which helps small businesses create a website, she mentions how the program has helped her learn various features on constructing/maintaining a website. Having a website can really push a business towards the next step and SOURCEstarts is one of the many resources available at SOURCE.  Beverle also mentions networking at these programs and workshops has created strong business relationships that have significantly helped her business. 

Any advice that you would give to other small businesses facing similar problems?

“Use your conscience and use your due diligence to make sure you set a certain standard.” 

If you would like to learn more about Finesse Inherited Photos you can contact Beverle at finesseinheritedphotos@gmail.com. A huge thank you to Beverle for sharing her story with us at SOURCE River West!
