Entrepreneur Spotlight — SOURCE

Victoria Davis: Make It Classy

We are excited to announce that Victoria as our next entrepreneur for the “Entrepreneur Spotlight Series.” We have been interviewing past clients to hear their story and get some advice from them.

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“Applying for that seed fund and receiving it really started me off.”Victoria Davis

Website: https://makeitclassydiy.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MakeItClassyDIY/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/classycurlies/?hl=en


What is your business?

“My business is Make It Classy. It’s a DIY beauty box and it’s based here in Indianapolis. It’s basically like a do it yourself dinner box, but for beauty.”

How did you get started?

“I have a blog called Classy Curlies and I’ve had that for the past almost ten years now. Through that platform I was able to teach a lot of classes around the Indianapolis area which gave me the exposure I needed to get my business going.” 

How has SOURCE impacted your business journey?

“Huge! When I started, I was here taking different business classes and workshops, but I found out about their seed fund which was a huge help for me. It helped me to be able to not only order the boxes, but the ingredients as well. Applying for that seed fund and receiving it really started me off.”

How has SOURCE impacted your business journey?

“Huge! When I started, I was here taking different business classes and workshops, but I found out about their seed fund which was a huge help for me. It helped me to be able to not only order the boxes, but the ingredients as well. Applying for that seed fund and receiving it really started me off.”

Since coming to SOURCE and receiving the Seed Fund, Victoria has been able to get her business off the ground and moving along. She has held DIY workshops, ran her own blog for over ten years, and sold products to customers all over the country.

The Seed Fund she received is funded by the Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust.  It is a multi-step process available to all entrepreneurs through SOURCE, and is an award of $2,000 to use toward growing their businesses.
